On 4 August 2024 Togo lost a man of God, its archbishop Mgr. Yves Nicodème Barrigah, after 11 years as bishop of Atakpame and 5 years as archbishop in Lomé, at the age of 61. Here we share with you a friend´s tribute who shared the seminary with him and also the struggle for peace, justice, and dignity of every Togolese, Roger Folikoué, professor of philosophy at the University of Lomé:
‘Mgr Nicodème, a friend of young people: Your love for young people is not accidental, it is part of your being. Answering God’s call, desiring to consecrate yourself to Him was not a predetermined choice.
As a very young man, you entered the seminary, and I remember this young man full of life and talents. You were a young man in jeans and hose trousers with your bag and guitar. I remember this young man responsible for the cultural life in the seminary who animated the recreational evenings. I remember this young man, our older brother, close to the little ones and with a smile as a sign.
You were ordained to the priesthood at the age of 24, quite young, seeing the whole journey of formation for the priesthood. Your ordination to the priesthood said that it is possible to give God the youth without the impression of spoiling their life. And you, young man, you understand young people.
I remember your song dedicated to young people, in which you spell out in acrostic form the qualities of young people, JEUNES: J oie (joy), E spoir (hope), U nité (unity), n oblesse (nobility), E nergie (energy). Young people for Jesus, it is possible, young people for the Church and for society, it is vital.
I remember your homily in October 2023 at the opening mass of the Catholic University of Lomé. You listed 5 passions for the young Catholic student: the African man, work well done, justice, the defence of our values and God, the source of everything.
Isn’t being young the ability to always project oneself?’ Roger Ekoué Folikoué
Our archbishop leaves us a strong testimony of love and appreciation, of closeness and guidance for young people. May many want to take up the baton and continue his work with the young people of Lomé, of Togo and of the world!
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