Sent into the world with the power of prayer!

The third edition of the Discovery project began with the first module meeting entitled: “Sent into the world with the power of prayer”. This time round there are ten young people in the group from Spain, Portugal and Poland.

On Friday we started with a zoom meeting where we talked about our motivations for participating in this project, which, as you know, includes formation and discernment tools to discover our personal vocation-mission. The question behind Discovery is how God calls us to collaborate with his project in today’s world.

The process began in each one of us with this first module. In it we tried to identify the search we come with as we embark on this adventure in order to be able to have it in mind and process it throughout the course.

We rediscovered how important prayer is through different topics, work dynamics, prayer spaces and parents’ testimonies. When looking at the questions we have inside, such as the challenges of working life, further training ,continuing our studies or not,  as well as the possibility of dedicating our lives to others wherever and however God needs us, it is important to pray.

One thing we all agreed on was how important it is to stop in the middle of our crazy paced life to listen to God and to ourselves, and to discover what really moves us to do what we do. We could say that this was the objective of this first module: to make the decision to incorporate simple moments of prayer into our daily life because that`s where our commitment and dedication to others comes from.

Incorporating prayer into our daily life involves recognising that it puts us in touch with the heart of God the Father. He is the source of our prayer and continues to make all that humanity is going through today his own. It also involves understanding that prayer forms an integral part of our life and mission and experiencing its affective element.

How beautiful it is to be able to see and hear how each person wants to make God the centre of their life!  How important it is that his voice and opinion are taken into account when deciding the direction of our life!

Piedad Garcia

clwakeling2Sent into the world with the power of prayer!

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