To know who Jesus is

Momoko Nishimura´s testimony I was baptized at the age of three.


 People make a difference. My missionary experience in many countries has

The kiss of life

In the last few weeks there has been an outcry after

A nation´s progress is measured by its care for the vulnerable

.On his return from Mongolia, the Pope appealed to everyone to

The Kite Runner

While watching the children from our neighbourhood playing with kites over

May: the month of flowers

  May is the month of flowers.The lotus flower in Asia

From the beautiful to the eternal 2

A mother´s embrace Yesterday, a family who are friends of ours

From the beautiful to the eternal 1

Have you ever contemplated a sunset and felt a moment of

Worthwhile climbing the mountain

At almost 2,350 meters above sea level, Mount Pico is the

The epiphany of God in the poor!

Over the last few weeks we have heard “The Beatitudes” of

Witnesses who are signs of God´s Kingdom

   Witnesses who are signs of God´s Kingdom   Where can

How can we cope with the loss of loved ones?

In Spain the churches were closed last year during lockdown from

Fasting opens our hearts to others and to our need of God!

Living in conversion means embracing our circumstances as an opportunity of

We build the Kingdom through daily rehearsals!

  A good concert is the result of many rehearsals, especially

Comfort my people!

God speaks to us through last Sunday´s readings and what does


We live in a fast-paced world. We have so many things