In Buenos Aires we renewed our desire to announce the Good News together with the Community of Servants of the Gospel of God’s Mercy.
It might seem that the lack of face-to-face meetings had silenced the proclamation of the Gospel. However, WhatsApp groups and Zoom encounters have been inundated with the voices of people sharing their faith over the last year. These online meetings have brought people together from different dioceses. They participated during lockdown and continue to meet today.
Theses prayer and mission workshops are meetings where we deepen in our faith and we share our experience of living it out through testimonies. Through them, we accompany each other in our daily life and pray for each other in community. Lay members of our community lead the groups and there they witness to how they follow the Lord’s call and how their lives have been transformed into a proclamation of the Gospel.
Finally, in October we had a face-to-face meeting for all the Buenos Aires Workshops. The participants got to know the Servants of the Gospel Family more and there were three important moments:
The presentation: The joy of finally being able to meet the participants of the different workshops, face to face.
A question: What has most helped you in the Workshops? Many expressed that it has been the opportunity to experience a tender and close God, who is our Father and to feel accompanied by others during the lockdown.
Two testimonies: Two women who will soon make their promise as lay Servants. What contagious joy and faith they expressed in telling us about their journey of faith with the community!
We were inspired and encouraged by the biblical passage: “Speak Lord, your servant is listening” (1 Sam 3, 10). We wanted to be ready to listen to the voice of the Lord through His Word and through our brothers and sisters so we could discern where God calls us to live, share our faith and be an expression of His Love and Mercy.
Now it`s your turn to share with us: how do you feel that your life is being transformed into a living mission, a proclamation of the Gospel?
Evangelina Rodríguez
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