April 24th is always a very important date for our Servants of the Gospel community in South Korea. However, this year has been extra special. We celebrated the 15th Anniversary of the foundation. On this day in 2006, Monika, Ester, and Laurence first arrived in Korea and began the community here. Since then we have seen our Community Family gradually grow in Korea, fulfilling the dream we had in our hearts when we first got here. And today we are so thankful for this experience of journeying together as a Family.
Our first step when we arrived was to begin studying Korean and our second was to collaborate in university ministry, working with immigrants and setting up youth groups. From the beginning God encouraged us to imagine a community family in Korea. Ten years after the foundation, taking advantage of the Jubilee Year of Mercy (2015), we started two new programs designed to offer and express our charism more clearly. On the one hand we started the School of the Missionaries of Mercy (School of evangelization) and, on the other hand, the missionary group of young people called “Made for a mission”.
During these fifteen years we have met a wide variety of people, of all ages, and we are witnesses to the formation and consolidation of our Family in Korea. We are both pleased and grateful to see this Family made up of young people, laity, and consecrated missionaries, all with the same missionary heart working together and carrying out this mission that God has entrusted to us. Is there any greater gift than this? In truth, we can only thank God with all our hearts.
What does it mean for me to belong to this community Family?
- Looking at the world with God’s mercy and putting his mercy into practice (Kim Hyeji)
- Knowing God who is Love and trying to follow him! (Jeon Ara)
- Sharing with everyone the Love of God that I have received (Park Wonryul)
- Being moved by God’s delicate plan and entrusting myself to him (Lee Jinyoung)
- It`s a space where I understand my mission and find the courage to live it (KimSoeun)
- It is like being together in a car that God has sent me, driving together towards his house (Leemiya)
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