God is bigger than my problems

Why is it important to pray?

It is where you get to know, who your God is. Jer 31, 2 says “I have loved you with an everlasting LOVE… with a kindness that never fails”. I long for a love that comes from our God. I desire a relationship with Our God, Our Father, and Our Creator. Because God is bigger than my problems.

I remember during my childhood, every dawn I would see my mother awake, alone, in our living room and when I asked her, what was she doing, she said: “I am praying”, but if we´d done with the rosary earlier and prayed before sleep. Why pray again? My mother was the greater influencer for me to pray always.

Praying as family

Praying together as a family is a daily battle. It is a struggle to make time for it. Our children have to set aside:  gadgets, technologies, and other forms of distraction. Then we look for the most convenient time for all of us to be around. Moments for our daily prayer are always different, but I know that little by little these moments will make a change and an impact, especially in my children’s growth. They will be willing to know Jesus more, to live in Him and for Him. And hopefully, our children will also have the desire to pray always.

To be a mother is a privilege, but raising a family is not an easy journey. I want my best shot for my children. In raising them I find obstacles, and so I look for our God, for His grace, mercy, guidance, and protection. I never feel neglected or abandoned.

Like along any journey, I meet trials and sometimes I am discouraged. But God sends people who will inspire me and push me to conquer my trek. Ph 4:4-6 “Rejoice in the Lord always… The Lord is at hand”.

My God is bigger than my problems. He is always with me and I trust in Him. In my daily prayer, I am reminded that God loves me so much.

Rodhora Boquiren and Family Philippines

ula donieckaGod is bigger than my problems

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