Bible sharing every Wednesday

In the Philippines, just like in other places in the world, Catholics dedicate the month of May, to Mama Mary. Last month of May, we realized that it could be a good opportunity, to gather our neighbors in our house for a Bible sharing every Wednesday.

We have been living in San Carlos City for more than a year, and with this bible sharing we thought it could be a good way to build community with our neighbors and walk with them as a family.

How to pray

In every gathering, we would start praying the Rosary, including different intentions, and afterward, we would reflect on the Gospel for the following Sunday. We would end up sharing among ourselves, what we have learned, or whatever the Gospel has taught us, for our lives. It was a very nice chance to know each other better, as we go deeper in our faith. As we share our faith with one another, we grow as a family and experience how God is present among us. Just like we see Jesus tell us in the Gospel “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I with them” (Mt 18, 20).

Some people from this group have accompanied us

in visiting the sick, which live in our neighborhood. Some young people are coming with us, as well. It is very beautiful to see how our faith is leading us to help others, in very simple ways. Just by visiting the sick and bringing to them the Holy Communion. In this way, we are trying to live as Synodal Church, just like Pope Francis is inviting all the Catholic Church.

We are aware, that every week this group is feeling more comfortable and more familiar with us, and they are becoming missionaries too, as they are inviting others to join us.

Mama Mary is the one who guides us, who guides our small community here. We are so thankful to her and God for placing these people on our path. He is helping us as well in becoming more acculturated in this country.

Sr. Ela Philippines SEMD

Visiting the sick



ula donieckaBible sharing every Wednesday

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