All of us are missionaries: keyword homilies from the Philippines


 Sunday´s homily is on Luke 18:1-8. The keyword is missionary

The Gospel of today finishes with an important question: When the Son of Man returns will he find faith on earth? What if we try to win the whole world but we lose our faith? It is very sad to see how many people and countries are losing their faith in our days. When we lose faith and remove God from our lives we no longer understand life. We forget who we are. We lose our identity and we don’t know where we are going, we become totally lost.

Salvation comes from faith in God and the mission is our response to God’s plan that everyone can be saved. Mission comes from the compassionate heart of the Father. As we read in today’s gospel our Father is not an insensitive judge but a compassionate God who listen the cries of those who are suffering. The Father sent us Jesus to save the world. He was the first missionary who came to announce the good news to the poor, to heal the broken hearted, to comfort those who mourn, to give freedom to captives and to proclaim a year of mercy for everyone.

Today God needs missionaries to collaborate in his salvific work. How will the people of today believe if the Gospel isn’t announced to them? How beautiful missionary life is! : Bringing salvation, announcing the Gospel to everyone. All of us are missionaries from our Baptism; we are called to bring the good news to this broken world. Don’t think it’s enough just to hand in an envelope on Mission Sunday. It is the opportunity for all of us to wake up to the call to become missionaries. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Come with us and join the mission today

You are a mission on this earth and that is the reason why you are here in this world. Being a missionary isn’t a privilege for the few, it is for everyone. It’s your identity. Every baptized person is a mission on this earth. You are the fruit of God’s love. You are important for this Mission. God is counting on you.

Fr Dario SEMD, October 19th, 2019

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