A year of mission and service awaits us!

In Peru, we ended 2019, with a joint mission with young people from the community of Colombia. The mission consisted of different evangelization initiatives which took place during the last week of Advent in the schools and chapels in our area.


For the youth of Colombia it was a dream come true to come here and give everything they had received in their itinerary of faith, leaving their country and what they’d known up to now. They really lived each day as a gift for each one of them. It was as if they did not want to miss any moment because God was there and he’d been waiting for them for a long time in the people of Peru.


On the other hand the arrival of this group was a wonderful surprise from God for the youth of Peru. He wanted to approach them through the testimony of these young people and the activities that we carried out.


Both groups together experienced the wonder of being able to rekindle in others the enthusiasm of celebrating Christmas deeply, with the warmth that only God knows how to give.


The mission ended with a day of reflexion.  There we concluded by asking God for the grace we need to be able to love and serve Him wherever we are in 2020. It will be our openness to receive every moment as an opportunity of mission, love and service which will make this new year a happy one.


Community of Peru



clwakeling2A year of mission and service awaits us!

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